ISO Certification

Key Relocation, a leader in the relocation industry, is proud to announce its ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certifications. This accomplishment serves as a testament to the company’s unwavering commitment to quality, customer service, dedication and environmental management. Throughout this journey, AmpliFlow has been an instrumental partner delivering expertise and guidance that has shaped our journey towards standardization and digital transformation.

”Working closely with AmpliFlow’s consultants, we focused on elevating our quality standards for our customers. While we were already efficient with our processes, they were previously embedded within individuals or ”in the walls of the company” – now they are formalized and standardized. And as a bonus, KEY Relocation Sweden is now ISO-certified according to ISO 9001 and 14001.” – Jonas, Key Relocation

Key Relocation believes in doing things right because we want to, not because we have to; this ethos resonated with AmpliFlow’s approach. We wanted a system that wasn’t just compliant but also adaptive and easy-to-use; one that added value rather than being just another administrative task.

Our aim was not only to improve but also standardize our quality of work across regions ensuring consistency in customer service regardless of the consultant assigned or location involved. This drive for transparency allows customers to understand how we operate.

”Together with AmpliFlow, leading experts in their field with decades of experience, we structured and implemented systems that not only meet the requirements of the standards but also truly make a difference in our daily work.” – Jonas Key Relocation

With these certifications under our belt, it is clear to us that we’re on the right track. We are growing – both as a company and in terms of quality – thanks to this structured approach which has helped avoid repetition of mistakes while amplifying what we already do well.

“The feedback from external auditing highlighted Key Relocations’ adaptability within their system along with an impressive ease of accessing information.” – Joakim AmpliFlow

We’re excited about what lies ahead; using what we’ve learned from this experience to continue evolving internally while delivering exceptional service externally.

Read more about our journey here


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